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Terms & Conditions

Legal Disclaimer

At FootyShirtSwap, we take pride in providing the best online sporting goods store experience for our customers. We strive to ensure that our website is user-friendly, secure, and that our customers can find the products they need with ease. However, we want to make it clear that the information provided on our website is for general purposes and should not be considered legal advice. As a customer, you should always seek legal advice if you have any specific questions or concerns.

What are Terms & Conditions?

Terms & Conditions are the set of legally binding terms established by FootyShirtSwap, as the owner of this website. The T&C set forth the legal boundaries governing the activities of the website visitors or customers while they visit or engage with our website. The T&C are meant to establish the legal relationship between the site visitors and FootyShirtSwap. We recommend that you read our T&C carefully before using our website.

What is included in our T&C?

Our T&C covers various issues such as the use of our website, the types of products we offer, the payment methods we accept, our return policy, and much more. We take our customers' rights and privacy seriously, and we have included relevant clauses to protect them. Please take the time to read our T&C carefully and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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